Volunteers of America Colorado

2660 Larimer Street, Denver, CO 80205


Volunteers of America Colorado (VOAC) is a nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need transform their lives. Through more than 50 distinct human service programs, VOAC changes the lives of nearly 100,000 people in need each year. VOAC’s services include housing and emergency shelters, hunger and nutrition services, and other community support programs. Our work touches the mind, body, and heart of those we serve by integrating compassion into our highly-effective programs and services that build and strengthen communities.



Affordable Housing

Volunteers of America has several locations for affordable and senior housing throughout Colorado.

community meals volunteers

Meals on Wheels

For the homebound elderly, preparing meals can sometimes be a challenge. Volunteers of America Northern Colorado delivers frozen meals to Larimer County homebound residents aged 60 and over.

US Army WWII Korea USA Military Veteran

Support Services for Veteran Families

The SSVF (‘Support Services for Veteran Families) Program was founded upon the principle that every Veteran has a right to housing. By providing support at a community level, we can end the homelessness of the Veteran population.

Senior Adult Man Doing Yardwork

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

Larimer RSVP works to match volunteers, age 55 and better, with opportunities at more than 50 Partner Agencies throughout Larimer County.

older adult volunteer community meal

Volunteers of America Cafe Lunch

Volunteers of America’s Seniors’ Nutrition Program provides nutritious meals, access to community resources, and positive social interaction at Congregate Dining Centers throughout Larimer County.

Shot of a senior woman hugging a young nurse in a retirement home

Caregiver Support Caring Companions

Volunteers of America in Northern Colorado support caregivers through the Caring Companions program.

Care worker giving an old lady her dinner in her home.

Handyman Program

Volunteers of America’s Handyman Program in Northern Colorado focuses on home safety through assessment, education, and repair to prevent slips, trips, and falls.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Volunteers of America Foster Grandparent Program helps develop inter-generational bonds by bringing together youth and older adults.

Volunteers of America Colorado

Volunteers of America Colorado inspire self-sufficiency, dignity, and hope by providing critical health and human services to thousands of vulnerable individuals and families across Colorado.